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Small changes to build a better world

Which world do we want to leave to future generations? In Español S.A. we are sure that little changes and actions do transform the world. Therefore, in our company we carry out a specific actions to promote solidarity between cultures and to prevent the fast evolution of climate change.



At our facilities it is carried out strict selective sorting of waste generated in our workshop for recycling. We work with companies specializing in waste management that facilitate us their separation by applying the necessary measures for optimal recycling, recovery and destruction of surplus. We have acquired a strong commitment to the environment. Therefore, in our plant we classify paper and cardboard, metal, plastic and even the oil off the machines. We care about saving the planet.


Costa de Marfil


Español S.A. has been one of the sponsors of the solidarity initiatives of the soccer team A.E. Ramassà. The Les Franqueses del Vallès team travels every year to a country in Africa, on an expedition that combines sport, culture and solidarity. Ethiopia, Benin, Uganda, Cameroon, Madagascar and the Ivory Coast have been the destinations of the Vallès expedition.

We are proud of the monetary contribution that Español S.A. has made. in recent years, aimed at the most vulnerable groups in each country: the smallest. In addition to the sports and school supplies provided by the club, our contributions in Uganda were donated to the NGO “Petits Detalls” for the project of an orphanage that welcomes 40 children. Cameroon was, without a doubt, the trip of the records. Among all the collaborators of the initiative, we managed to raise more than € 10,000 and 700 kilos of material, which were used to build a library in the School of Nursing that the NGO Insol Africa has in the town of Kribi. The aid in Madagascar was used to sponsor the construction of the second shelter for the main facilities of the Yamuna organization in Tsinjo.

Español S.A. has collaborated in the new solidarity adventure of Ramassà in Ivory Coast. The club collected a total of € 18,000 from all contributions, earmarked for the “50 smiles” project of the Homes de Demain foundation, with the aim of helping to improve the mobility of 50 children suffering from mental and physical disabilities, by purchasing prosthetics, wheelchairs and functional mobility devices.



This 2020 Español S.A. He has collaborated in the solidarity trip of the Ramassà Sports Association to the African continent to Gambia together with the project “Assistance to maternal and child malnutrition in the Republic of the Gambia” of the Catalan NGO Nutrition Without Borders (NSF). NSF is an NGO that works to guarantee food as a universal right with the aim of eradicating malnutrition through action and ethical commitment to disadvantaged people.


The objective of this project was to raise funds to cover the cost of maternal malnutrition treatments carried out at the NSF Nutrition Education and Recovery Centers (CREN) in the city of Soma. Linked to the trip, the club’s fourth solidarity story was also published, “Adama”, written by the Catalan journalist Carla Galisteo, with illustrations by Alicia Giménez, and with a foreword written by the journalist specialized in Africa, Xavier Aldekoa. The story shows the daily life of Adama, one of the CREN workers from NSF to Soma, and helps to raise awareness about the role of women in Gambian society.

We have also collaborated, since 2017, with Oxfam Intermón, an NGO that works in development, humanitarian action, fair trade and awareness, with the aim of eradicating injustice and poverty worldwide.



Everyone is entitled to a second chance. Therefore, all computers that are renewed are donated to schools and institutions so the children continue using them for the courses homework. Before being donated, they pass a strict audit and update the system to arrive in perfect conditions to their new owners and thus ensure good performance for years.