Saespa | AREAS
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The best solution for your company


Español S.A. products are adapted to the conditions and specifications of each of our customers.


Our experience in automation systems in cold rooms has allowed us to investigate and discover which specifications have to accomplish to do the whole process of storage, loading and unloading of frozen food.


The systems we use offer the quality required for these type of business, where the work must be quickly and accurately to keep the temperature and food properties.

This is a list of the companies that have already trusted us:

  • Ultracongelados Virto
  • Freiremar
  • Congelados la Sirena
  • Europastry “Fripan”
  • Fri-olvega
  • Confremar
  • Ingapan
  • Atrian Bakers
  • Faccsa